Friday, May 28, 2010

Another May Update...

My apologies for it being longer than some of you (and I) expected between updates. Time flew this month, and not to our liking. We had a few ups and downs this month which will be the main course of this update. All in all, we are doing well, and while the progress we are making towads our move at the end of next month is slow, it is still progress.

I have finished my training for being qualified to drive the larger buses with dual air-brake systems. I took my driving test with CHP last week and passed. So, I am now a fully-qualified bus driver.

Dulcy recieved some unwelcome news after going to have an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby (It's a Boy!, by the way). While we were at a friend's home for dinner the evening of, she got a call from the nurse practitioner that they found out that Dulcy has placenta previa. Now, before you all jump on the internet and find out how terribly bad this is, Dulcy is fine. They have given the baby a totally clean bill of health and Dulcy has just been told to "take it easy". She isn't on bed rest or anything like that. She has been told by this group of doctors that she will need to have the baby by C-section. But even that isn't completely for sure because Dulcy has talked to a few other ladies who had the same condition but the placenta moved and they were able to give birth naturally. So, please pray that Dulcy will be able to "take it easy", that the placenta will go back to where it's supposed to be, and that the condition won't worsen.

We received a letter from the IRS stating that instead of getting a refund of about $1200, we actually owe $800. The reason, according to the letter, was that we didn't qualify for Earned Income Credit. Upon recieving the letter, I jumped on the IRS website, and did a little research. I saw that one cannot claim EIC and the Foreign Income Exclusion at the same time (which is necessary because of the half-year we were still in Korea). So, I contacted the organization that prepared our taxes this year, and they told me to fax them the letter and they would look into it. Well, I recieved another letter back from this organization stating that the IRS was wrong because I lived in the US for at least 6 months in 2009, which qualifies us for EIC. They supplied me with a letter of explanation to send back to the IRS, and it looks like we will be getting a refund after all (PTL!). Now, if it would just come through before we leave...

We've had, in all, 4 moving companies come by and give visual estimates for how much it will cost to move our things to Florida. They have ranged from $3550 to just over $4100. There have been other email and phone estimates given by other companies that were much lower, but they can't or won't send any one out to the house for an estimate (red flag), which for me, isn't acceptable. We have one other company coming on Tuesday, and after that we will make the decision on what we're going to do. At this point, Mayflower is the lowest estimate, and if the estimate on Tuesday isn't lower, we'll probably be going with them. I say that, though, not having $3550 to pay for it.

We've had $600 come in from some family members to go towards our moving expenses! This is a great thing and worthy of our thanks and praising the Lord! We are still far away from our goal of at least $3500 (currently). I say $3500 because whether we go with a moving company or some other self-moving option, that's about what we're going to need. We've entertained the idea of trying to sell what we have and use the money to replace things once we arrive in Florida, but we don't see that as entirely feasible what with the lack of time. We're also thinking about lessening the number of things we move, in order to lower the weight and price. So, please rest assured that we are not trying make this decision arbitrarily. Would you prayerfully consider if God would have you help? God gives the provision, but He often chooses to do so through His people.

I have been in contact with those in Homestead about many of the concerns that we have, and I'd like to share with you part of the latest email I recieved from Pastor Long:
Here are some current events taking place here at SDBC. There is a mother of a teen here who is thrilled with the prospect of a Sr. youth pastor. She has taken it upon herself to rally several teens to begin attending the morning services here at SDBC. This past Sunday there were about 10 teens present in the morning service. This is a major event because 7 of them attend a local Christ Fellowship church that has its own youth worship service. She has been working on these young people by asking them to come in and 'give us a chance' by their presence, so that when other young adults show up to visit they will see others there of their own age. Some of these kids are entertaining the idea of transferring out of CCS to local 'magnet' school who specialize in an elective. She has seen the outcome of these false promises by the schools and also the environment they create and is acting as a parent advocate to convince the students to remain in the God centered milieu of Christian education.

This is very encouraging because we have never had this kind of promotion to youth since I have been here. A work of God only! This is your group we are talking about an already there is a groundswell building in preparation for a youth ministry. Be encouraged by what God is doing, especially when it happens in this way and at this level.

Concerning the moving expenses I am working with the deacons and the church family to help you make the transition. Along the same lines of thought there are 3 men who God has raised up (apart from any persuasion on my part) who are interested in purchasing homes to use as rentals for the new youth pastors. Another business owner has made a commitment to provide work for one of the newcomers. Brother, God is making things ready for your ministry here so keep praying, planning and trusting, He will provide as needed and in His time.

So, it would seem that God is indeed working in hearts and minds concerning not only our move, but also our ministry once we arrive. The local businessman that has offered a job owns a landscaping company. I mentioned that I would like to get a job during which I could also get some exercise. So, God has answered that prayer already, too.

Well, that's about it for now. I am going to begin doing these updates at least bi-weekly. But as new things develop, I will keep you all up-to-date.

In His Service,
Sam, Dulcy, Michael, David, Katherine, and "Male 3.0" Healey.

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