Friday, July 30, 2010

July Update from Homestead, FL...

Hello, everyone! Well, it has been just over a month since our last update, and so much has happened since then. So, I will do my best to lay out what went on and what is going on in as few words as possible.

First of all, let me take a few moments to thank all those who helped in so many different ways. Some of you helped financially, others helped physically with loading and/or unloading our possessions, and still others helped by praying for our safety and travelling mercies. And these are just the ways that I know of, and I'm sure that many of you helped in ways I'll never know. Suffice it to say that no matter how you chose to help us in our transition from California to Florida, your involvement was invaluable in what I have come to consider a completely smooth and uneventful trip. Even though it was a long trip, the fact that it went so smooth is a testimony to the greatness of our God and His faithfulness in answering our prayers. So, thank you all for all the myriad of ways that you helped us make this transition, and praise God for His faithfulness and provision.

We arrived in Homestead, FL, on July 3rd, at about 3pm. Thanks to Pastor Long and a number of members of South Dade Baptist Church, we were unloaded by about 4pm. Then, Pastor went to KFC and bought dinner for everyone. The next day was Sunday and the 4th. We had a great morning service, and in the evening we went to view the fireworks show down by the speedway. It's strange, but funny that we've not witnessed a fireworks display consecutively in the same place since we were in college. On Tuesday night, we went with Pastor and his wife to pick-up the Vasel family from the airport. While it wasn't quite the reunion we were expecting (we weren't able to meet them in the terminal because of traffic), it was still a great thing to see our long-time friends again.

I'm not going to bore you all with a daily play-by-play of all that has transpired since we've arrived...mainly because my memory isn't that good. It took us longer than usual to get our internet hooked back up and it turned out that the culprit was bad wiring in our phone jacks. So, an agent came out from AT&T, installed a new phone jack, and we were up and running. I started my "summer job" with a local lanscaping company on the 12th. At first, I was simply doing odd jobs around the school and church, but then I actually started going out with the regular crews down to the Florida Keys to a well-to-do community called Ocean Reef. Luckily (dripping with sarcasm), it's heavy pruning season, and the crew I go with is tasked with all the heavy pruning that we do. This is not a fun is manual labor in it's truest sense. I guess I got that for which I asked. The work itself isn't really that difficult, but the heat is what takes it to the next level. For example, a couple days this week, the temperature made it to 105 degrees with heat index. While I am completely appreciative for the job, I will be VERY happy when my responsibilities at school begin. I have a brand new respect for the guys who do jobs like this day-in and day-out. It definitely takes a special breed.

The bureaucrats are alive and well in Florida. We have been trying to get Dulcy set-up with Medicaid since we arrived, and we're still in the process. It seems like every time we jump through one of their hoops we find another on the other side, and another, and another. It seems, though, that now we have all the necessary paperwork, and so on Monday we are planning to go down to the Medicaid office to get the ball rolling a bit more quickly. PLEASE PRAY that Monday will be a good experience at the Medicaid office. This has been a highly stressful and convoluted process, and we would definietly like to have a good, hope-filled session on Monday. Dulcy is doing fine with no further complications of which we are aware. Aedan Connall continues to move and make his presence known each day, and none of those things which her doctor in California told her to look out for have happened. So, we are trusting that everything is as okay as it can be. PLEASE PRAY that we we will be able to get her back to the doctor soon, though. It has been nearly two months since she has seen a doctor, and with a high-risk pregnancy, you all know just as well as we do that that isn't a good thing. We really have no recourse, though, besides patience and faith that God will protect her and Aedan. PLEASE PRAY.

Our new church is amazing! It has a number of resources at its disposal, not the least of which is a very strong group of committed members who are dedicated to growing the ministry. Our kids are also enjoying the large group of kids who are here, too. Just a couple of minutes ago, David, just out of the blue, remarked at how much he likes our new church. That's not to say anything against any previous churches to be sure. We most certainly miss all of our dear friends in California, and think of them on a daily basis. It just means a lot to them that there are so many kids their age here with which they can interact consistently. They are also excited about being reunited with the Vasel kids with whom they grew so close in Korea.

Concerning our ministry at the church, Dulcy and I have begun serving in the choir. We have also taken over the Senior High Sunday School class and Wednesday night Youth Group. A good-sized group of kids and teens just got back from The Wilds, a week-long Christian summer camp. Two teens reported salvation experiences, and they all expressed a desire for accountability. So, PLEASE PRAY that they will be able to stay true to their decisions, and that Dulcy and I will be able to come along beside them in this. We are already looking ahead to camp week next year, so please PRAY that the leaders of the church and school will have wisdom during the decision-making process.

Teacher orientation begins on August 11th, and classes begin on August 23rd. PLEASE PRAY that I will be able to get a firm grasp on all of my responsibilities quickly. Dulcy has been helping get my room prepared for the school year by painting the walls while I'm fulfilling my landscaping duties. She's been taking it very easy and the kids have been helping her, too. We plan on going in tomorrow to get some more done on it.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll continue to update everyone on at least a monthly basis from here on out. Thank you again to all of you who helped in your own various ways. I can't tell you all enough how much it means and meant to us.

In His Service,
Sam, Dulcy, Michael, David, Katherine, and Aedan Healey.
Mark 10:45