Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In Wenatchee...

Well, Dulcy and I (and the kids) pulled out of the parking lot at church Sunday night at 8:30, and headed north to visit her family in Washington State.  It wasn't my first choice to drive through the night, but all things considered, it wasn't a bad idea.  We drove until about 3am, and then I had to stop and sleep a bit.  We got back on the road around 4:15, and kept going.  We pulled into the Carlson's driveway around 1pm.  It was a good trip, but boy, oh, boy is Oregon empty!  Highway 97, which runs north from I-5 in California all the way through Oregon and straight into Wenatchee, is one of the loneliest roads on the face of the earth.

My father-in-law and I took Michael and David fishing today for King Salmon on the Columbia River here in Wenatchee.  Michael caught a 22 lb. one, and David caught a 22 in. one.  They had a great time, and it was a joy to see them having such a  good time.  

While we were out on the river, I caught two phone calls I wasn't expecting.  I got a call from Pastor Rushing to tell me that the pension check from Korea came in today.  Praise the Lord!  The second was a call from Costco there in Concord, trying to schedule me for a job interview.  I knew this was going to happen...as soon as I left town, I'd get a call for a job interview.  Well, I explained to her that I was very interested in interviewing for them but that I was out of town, and wouldn't be back until Saturday morning.  She said that she would call back on Saturday.  Please PRAY that if this is where God wants me that they will call back.

Tonight we're going to be feasting on the fruits of the boy's fortunes on the river today...grilled King Salmon!  Can't wait, either, 'cause I'm hungry since we didn't really have lunch today since we were on the river and all.

Well, that's about it for now.  I just wanted to let y'all know that the pension check from Korea had arrived, since I had asked prayer for that.

In His Service,
Sam, Dulcy, Michael, David, and Katherine Healey.